
Confessions of a Video Vixen

Confessions of a Video Vixen

By Karrine Steffans

This was an incredibly interesting book to read. I cannot comprehend this sort of lifestyle of being traded around like property all for the “glory” of standing next to or being featured in the music video for the next “big star” in rap (aka- the next lucky dude who happened to know a producer with a catchy background beat and wrote one or two lines of idiotic babbling to repeat over and over again, perhaps with a new signature dance move and an entourage of a dozen bottom feeding wannabes).

Steffans spares no details in describing her life in this industry, including sex, drugs, and the most blatant and offensive sexual harassment I could possibly imagine. This is a quick read; a pleasurable jaunt.

However, of course, I do have a couple issues. The first would be that Steffans struggles in trying to portray herself as a tough young woman who was unknowingly victimized in an industry she desperately dreamed to be a part of. But, though she undergoes experiences that I would not wish on anyone, she is by no means a victim nor is she a strong survivor. Steffans consciously chose a life where women are no more valuable than cigarettes and ALLOWED herself to engage in the acts she now labels as moments of her victimization. We are talking about a woman whose nickname was Super Head- something she does not seem at all upset about. How do you pity someone who chose and sought it out, time and time again? How do you respect someone who willingly allowed herself to be treated terribly? Just because you are not in the game now does not mean that you have actually come out of it a changed person (evident by the proud display of video photos featured in the book as well as the over-sexualized cover photos). It was frustrating to read who she wants you to think she is and was, and what reality shows.

The other frustrating element was her writing itself. Just because you have lived a fascinating life does not mean you are a writer. That is why they invented ghost writers- for people exactly like Steffans.

Again- I enjoyed the book quite a bit but I feel that in such a context it is important to consider feminism, victimhood, and that the villain is always the hero of his own story. I am not saying she is a villain, but it is interesting to wonder how others who knew her in the industry would comment on her claims and perspective. Regardless, it is a story and a lifestyle I knew nothing about and enjoyed her willingness to be so candid about her experiences.

Read it. See what you think. Victim, heroine, or a video vixen wanting a concentrated spotlight?

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